Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scarecrow Heaven

My school is a big one.

Finding ways to create community can be a challenge when there are 680 sweet little babies from kindergarten to fifth grade filing in through the front doors every day. 

In order to build a little camaraderie, our student celebrations committee put forth the decree that each classroom would create a scarecrow for our main entrance, which we call the Circle of Trust.

Boy, are there some characters...

It was more like the Circle of Dust, until the fire marshal came and said we had to eighty-six the hay because it was a fire hazard. Sometimes, safety hinders ambiance.

Inspired by their good work, and the Body/Senses unit that Kindergarten is finishing up, I decided to create an easy reader to use with my kindergarten friends that come to visit me in the Learning Center. It puts together what they've been learning about - one-to-one correspondence and the 5 senses - all with a scarecrow theme.  
I did a black & white version, too, for the individual copies I give to the kids.
I plan on reading with the kids (of course!), possibly highlighting words we know or finding letters that make certain sounds (like use your red crayon to circle the letter that makes the /r/ sound). We'll be counting and writing the digit by the number word, too.   
To download this free resource, click SCARECROW LOVES FALL above or simply click HERE.
Happy Fall, y'all!

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