Sunday, December 9, 2012


I have two classes of kindergartners everyday during their teachers' plan time.  So as I was planning this week, I thought I might try to write a little poem for a book to share with them. Then I could give them their own copy to take home.  You can download it from my TpT store by clicking here, or on the graphic below. 

Fo those of you who don't know, I teach on an army base in Kansas.  I am so fortunate that I get to interact with the incredible children of the men and women who serve our country.  This little poem isn't my best writing and it hardly begins to express the gratitude and awe I feel towards these families I serve.  Thank you.  I appreciate you and you family more than I can express. 

This is for you. 

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Informational Text Presentation

Yesterday, our district had it's annual Tech Fair.  They brought in Dr. Michael Wesch and Dr. Lotta Larson, who were both phenomenal.  If you completely ignore the rest of this post, you should at least watch this video that Dr. Wesch, who is an anthropologist, created.  There are many more, you should check them out.

The rest of the day was full of various sessions led by staff in our district. There were so many great sessions to choose from!  I presented in the last session on Online Informational Text.  With the refocus on a balanced literacy program, it is so important to make sure that our students have increased exposure to informational text. 

You can click the image below to download the file free from Teachers Pay Teachers.

I have to tell you that my high school-teaching husband did rag on me a little bit because my presentation looked 'primary.' I also gave out candy, which he felt only strengthened his argument. 

He's such a sweetie.  This would be a good time to pick on him that CHOIR isn't a real class, but I would NEVER stoop that low. 

What cool tech stuff do you do with your kids?